Mar 042017
Year: 2016
Genre: BDSM, Device, Domination, Canning, Torture, Spanking, Hummulation
Country: USA
Studio: SB
Continuance: 18 min
Actresses: Cool dolls
Characterization: A unique rope gag holds our Girl Next Door in place, while the gadget rips her brain spaced out. Suction cups enlarge her nipps and we clamp them out, pulling her forward. The rope gag is pulled up. Sarah is caught, pulled in 2 various directions. The tightness of everything flashes her brain and her apexes grow stronger, her screams deafening!
Movie: Wm Film Video clip 1280×720 1500 Kbit s
Sound: Cooker 44.1 KHZ 2 channels(Stereo) 1628 Kb per/sec
File size: 747.8 MB